Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Week 2 + 3. Mardi Gras, Bontanical gardens and more........

It has been 2 weeks since my last blog. Although most of you only got it a week ago. A lot has happened, I went to Mardi Gras, started my new job, looked for a flat and some other stuff in between.

Mardi Gras is pretty much like Pride in London. Even though I have never seen the parade at Pride, I can imagine that it is very similar. ALOT of rainbows everywhere, a really great united atmosphere and just a couple of drag queens! Now for anyone that is thinking they would like to go to Mardi Gras a little tip for you: if you wish to see the parade properly, you need to get there at about 5pm (parade is at 7pm). Even though I was made aware of this, I went with my hostel and they didn't leave till 6.30 so I got there at about 7, and there was a crowd at least 3-5 lines deep throughout the whole parade route. I was then left with a dilemma of do I pay the nice man $10 to get a plastic blue stool so I can see over the crowd or do I just look at the back of people's heads! Well I bought the stool because it seemed stupid to get all that way and not see anything. What did I do with the stool after? I hear you all say. Well I left it there as I went to a pub and saw a man (pretty sure it was the same man I bought it from) pick them all up and take them home. So basically I RENTED it! Lol! Anyway enough about that. The parade was wonderful, anyone that has my Facebook has seen all the videos and photos so I won't repost them all here, just a select few. It went on for about 3 hours and even in the rain people's spirits were high. Singing along to the music the floats were blasting out, which was mostly Katy Perry 'Roar', they like that one! You can even have a drink in the alcohol free zone, as long as you do it without drawing attention to yourself.

Before I started work I had one more outing, I decided to go to the Botanical gardens. It was magnificent. All the different types of plants, areas and views, I would recommend this to anyone coming over here. The majority of it is completely free. I went to Mrs Macquarie's chair to get the obligatory Sydney opera house photo. I got there just before a tour bus arrived!! I went to a special exhibition that they put on called The Sweet Addiction. Now I had a little look at the leaflet beforehand and it said it was all about chocolate and there was a picture of a kid with a tub of melted chocolate with wafers and stuff. This was very misleading. It cost me $15 to get in and I assumed that it would be something akin to the Cadbury factory on a smaller scale. I was wrong! There were a few plants, a nice but slightly dull headset commentary and no melted chocolate. A few pieces of dark, milk and white, but nothing like the picture! So basically don't bother, better off sticking to what is free and amazing!

                                 This amused me, as I did see them in the right order.

Really since then all I have been doing is working and looking for apartments to move into.
The working part I think is going quite well, it's a little different but the people are nice.
The apartment hunting is more tricky. The first thing I had to do was look at what I can afford, the rent is always advertised weekly. This fooled me once, because I looked at a really place, doorman, indoor pool etc and it said $500. Now I was under the assumption that was a month. It was then pointed out to me that I was wrong, very, very wrong. Currently I am looking for a place between $250-$330 a month, depending on if bills are included and what the features are. I think this is a good range, any lower and you could expect bed bugs, cockroaches and all those fun things. Any higher and I won't be able to afford it. I wanted to live with someone for 2 reasons really, one is the social aspect and the other is to  have someone to get rid of spiders!
There are a few different ways to look for a place, I put a profile on flatmatefinders.com and joined a few different groups on Facebook. Some of the people at the hostel helped me find some good ones, like Sydney rent rooms and apartments and inner west apartments.
I then contacted the ones I liked and arranged visits. This was a great way for me to get fully acquainted with the public transport system and how that works as I had to travel all over by train or bus. Its not too bad, the only real problem came when I got on the bus and found they didn't tell you what stop you were at. So I had to either ask the driver or follow myself on google maps. I always told someone that I was visiting these places, mainly as I am paranoid and have seen "Taken" too many times! So I gave them a time I had to text them by and if they hadn't heard from me they had to call the police. 😊
I've seen 4 flats, in 4 very different places. As I work at Bondi Junction Westfield, I wanted a place that was an easy commute. I saw a place in Bondi, St Peters, Vaucluse and Randwick. Very different areas with different pros and cons. Some where just not my cup of tea, some weren't close to any shops, restaurants etc. Two I really liked and now I am just deciding between them (if they want me).

Here are a couple of pictures of me at Vaucluse, it's a lovely residential area with awesome views.

A couple of nights ago I decided to treat myself to a meal out, as I've been mainly eating in the hostel. I had some penne pasta, meatballs, garlic bread and a glass of wine. It was glorious!

I forgot to take a picture when the main arrived. I was too hungry!

Friday, 3 March 2017

Getting to Australia and my first few day!

Hey everybody,

For anyone that just happens upon this blog, its about my year in Australia and probably some random opinions on things. Please do not judge my spelling or punctuation, I am aware!

So a lot has happened in the last week, so the best thing to do is start at the beginning.
The plane journey. oh what fun! One thing I am very happy about is that I don't have to do THAT again for another year. I'm already dreading it. If anyone feels they want to try to invent teleportation, please don't fight it.

So I had 2 flights with a 3 hour stop over at Dubai. The first flight was with Qantas and it was 7 hours long, it was like a warm up for the 13 hour one. It was pleasant enough, I paid extra to have leg room and I was on an exit row so I had loads of leg room and luckily the seat next to me was empty so I spread out. The only think I would say is try not to sit next to a toilet, the array of smells will stay with you long after you leave that plane!
Dubai airport is nice enough, be aware if you do find yourselves changing planes at Dubai even though it may say terminal 3 for arrival and departure, terminal 3 is made up of different mini terminals A,B,C, so give yourself enough time to get around. I had to go from one to another and through another set of security. Then I wondered around looking at all the different flavours vodka has to offer.
Now on to the longest 13 hours of my life. This flight was by Emirates, I was sitting next to a lovely couple who where on their way to a cruise. Unfortunately I was not able to get a sit with any extra legroom at all! Now what I always find strange is that you get a pillow and a blanket on your seat, so not only do you need to sort out ALL your stuff out but you have to find somewhere to put these extra items, lets make your small area that much smaller! This is the time in the journey where a sane person would try to sleep, I did attempt this, however unsuccessfully as the guy in front felt it necessary to have his window open and there was a large TV on the wall to keep all passengers updated on their journey and would flash from one thing to another. The good people of Emirates also didn't bring along enough eye masks so I ended up with a blanket over my head, this however could not block out the screams of the child (yes child not baby) a few rows back who also didn't want me to sleep. By this point any smell of food made me feel sick so I just ate some breadsticks and water. Enough of the negative, there was one fun thing, I paid a dollar and got 5gb of Wi-Fi. So did get to chat to some people to keep my sanity while I was in the air!

Once we had landed, I was surprised at how quickly I managed to get through customs, considering all you see on TV where they look into all your luggage and all the things. but no problems, they didn't even ask to see my visa (sorry Beth, but thanks for printing it all and putting it in clear folders anyway!)

I promise that I will try not to go into that much detail for everything!!

I got to the hotel and that is where I stayed for 2 nights. Having a brief look around at the surroundings but basically staying there and enjoying the giant soft bed and walk in shower.
They did a great breakfast!! which after 24 hours of plane food, well lets say I ate a lot!

On Saturday 25th, I moved into the hostel. Casa Central. I have a room all to myself on the second floor. There is a kitchen, a lounge and obviously toilets and showers. I have to say all of which is kept very clean and tidy. It is, for the most part quiet, however a school group came on Wednesday and apparently teenagers like to slam doors!!

Most days this week I have been getting a lay of the land. Wondering around shopping centres, seeing what's to do. I am trying not to do all the touristy stuff at once as I have a while!
On Monday I had my "interview" which turned out to not be an interview, the director just wanted to have a quick chat with me before I started. So that was pretty cool. I start work at the Bondi junction Specsavers next Wednesday.
On Tuesday I got to see Beth, Nick, baby Daisy and friends, I went round to where they were staying and we relaxed, chatted and had pizza, it was really nice to see people from home, even though I have only been away for a week it was great for a verbal conversation not to involve "so how long are you staying here?" and "Where do you come from?"
Wednesday I did my first tourist attraction and went to the sea life centre. There I saw a lot of fish! (shocking right!) I also saw a manatee and a lot of penguins! it was really good, interesting. However I can't go through those glass tunnels without thinking of my cousin Ruth and how as a child she point blank refused to go through, makes me chuckle to myself. I also went to the cinema for the first time by myself and saw Hidden Figures, I would highly recommend anyone to see this film, it is extremely good in telling the struggles these 3 women faced at NASA at that time.
The other reason I enjoyed this experience was the cinema. I paid to go into the LUX theatre, it was definitely worth it. The seats had buttons to recline and bring up a foot rest. There was also a button to call for refills on the free popcorn and drink provided AND you get a chocolate on your way out! I honestly don't think I can see a film any other way now!

I think that is enough for now. I am hoping to go to Mardi Gras on Saturday which should be fun! The donut is a special Mardi Gras donut.